Jumat, 14 Oktober 2011

Syllabus and Implementation Plan Learning (RPP) Java Language Lesson Class I SD

Syllabus and Implementation Plan
Learning (RPP)
Java Language Lesson
Class I
Java Language Syllabus 1 Class I SD
Name of School: SD / MI ...
Subject: Java Language
Class / Semester: I / 1
Number of Meetings: 16 x Meeting
Basic Aspects of Competency Standards Competency
Indicators of Achievement
Learning Activities
Assessment Allocation
Learning Resources
Listening 1. Understand
oral discourse
literature and
nonsastra in
cultural framework
1.1 Understand the
animal tales
which was read
or through
various media.
Answering v
reading questions
of animal tales
read by the teacher.
v Mention
names figure in
fairy tales.
v Explain the
nature of the characters in the
fairy tales.
v Telling
back fairy tale
is heard
with language
is simple.
v Explain the mandate
fairy tales.
v Students listen and
listen to fairy tales
read by the teacher.
v Students engage in a question
responsibility on behalf tokohtokoh
in fairy tales.
v Students engage in a question
questions about the nature tokohtokoh
in fairy tales.
v Students are alternately
tales are heard.
v Students demonstrate
tales are heard.
v Students explain the mandate of
in fairy tales.
v Students give examples
actions that should not be
copied from a fairy tale.
v written test
and oral
v Activity or
8 hours
(4 x
v Books Sinau tongue
Java Gagrag
Newer Class I
SD, Authors: Drs.
Haryono et al.
Publisher: PT
v Magazines
v The book fairy tale
v Development
v The social environment
Speaking 2. Reveal
notion of discourse
oral literature and
nonsastra in
cultural framework
2.1 Introducing
and family
with unggahungguh
the right.
v Mention
v Mention the name
parents and
members of his family.
v Mention the name
schools and classrooms.
v Mention the address
the house.
v Drawing pedigree
the family.
v Students are introduced
v Students to name
parents and members
his family.
v Students to name
schools and classrooms.
v Students mentioned address
his home.
v Students are shown photographs
members of his family.
v Students pedigree drawing
the family.
v written test
and oral
v Activity or
8 hours
v Books Sinau tongue
Java Gagrag
Newer Class I
SD, Authors: Drs.
Haryono et al.
Publisher: PT
v Family Photos
v Environment
v The social environment
Java Language Syllabus Class I SD 2
Reading 3. Understand
written discourse
literature and
nonsastra in
cultural framework
3.1 intone
Imitating v song
Dolanan the
exemplified by
the teacher.
Memorized v
Dolanan song.
v Singing
Dolanan song.
v Demonstrate
Dolanan song
with movement.
v Students mimicked the song
Dolanan exemplified
the teacher.
v Students memorize
Dolanan song.
v Students sing
Dolanan song is
alternately in front of the class.
v Students sing
Dolanan song together
while dancing.
v Students demonstrate
Dolanan song.
v oral test
v Activity or
8 hours
v Books Sinau tongue
Java Gagrag
Newer Class I
SD, Authors: Drs.
Haryono et al.
Publisher: PT
v The book collection
Dolanan song
v The tape and tape
v Figure
v The social environment
v The natural environment
Writing 4. Reveal
notion of discourse
written literature and
nonsastra in
cultural framework
4.1 Writing
words and
themed sentence
schools with
letters off.
Words and
v Know the letters and
v thicken posts
the words of the book.
v Copy writing
the words of the book.
v Write down the words
dictated teachers
or written on the board
Imitate sentences v
spoken teacher.
v Write down the sentence
is simple.
v Students recognize letters and
v Students mimicked the
read or spoken
the teacher.
v Students practice thicken
writing the words of the book.
v Students are copying text
the words of the book.
v Students write words
dictated the teacher or
written on the board.
v Students imitate sentences
a reading teacher.
v Students imitate sentences
spoken teacher
with care.
v Students write sentences
simple to correct.
Written test and
8 hours
v Books Sinau tongue
Java Gagrag
Newer Class I
SD, Authors: Drs.
Haryono et al.
Publisher: PT
v Magazines
v The natural environment
v The social environment
Yogyakarta, ... 2011
Principal, Teacher Class I,
.... ....
3 Java Language Syllabus Class I SD
Name of School: SD / MI ...
Subject: Java Language
Class / Semester: I / 2
Number of Meetings: 16 x Meeting
Basic Materials Basic Competency Assessment Learning Activity Indicators
Listening 5. Understand
oral discourse
literature and
nonsastra in
cultural framework
5.1 Understand the
oral discourse
theme of love
affection that
read or
through various
the media.
theme of love
v Responding to questions
content of oral discourse
is played.
v Listen to messages
parents as
sign of affection.
v Continue the sentence.
v Reading or
song, then
describe its contents.
v Finding examples
affectionate behavior
in reading.
v Giving an example
affectionate behavior
in life
v Write the word and
sentence themed love
v Students listening to the discourse
of teachers.
v Students
frequently asked questions about the content
v Students listen to
examples of messages
the elderly.
v Students menembangkan
discourse on love
unfortunately, then
describe its contents.
Students discuss v
examples of behavior
of affection.
v Students write the word or
sentence under the theme
of affection.
v Test verbal and
v Activity or
8 hours
(4 x
v Books Sinau tongue
Java Gagrag
Newer Class I
SD, Authors: Drs.
Haryono et al.
Publisher: PT
v Figure
v Magazines
v Environment
v The natural environment
Java Language Syllabus Class I SD 4
Speaking 6. Reveal
notion of discourse
oral literature and
within the framework
Javanese culture.
6.1 Telling
v Understanding the discourse
about puppet
panakawan and
answer the question
v Interpret the words
difficult than reading.
Retells v
content of discourse.
v Mention
the names of the puppets
v Explain the characteristics
puppet characters
v Sorting
familial puppet
v Students understand the
discourse about the puppet
panakawan and
interpret the words
is difficult.
v Students engage in a question
questions about the content of discourse
and the name of the puppet
v Students are told
return the contents of the discourse.
v Students observe a picture
panakawan puppet and
mentioning his name.
v Students explain ciriciri
puppet characters
v Students sort
family relationships
panakawan puppet of
the oldest.
v oral test
v written test
8 hours
v Books Sinau tongue
Java Gagrag
Newer Class I
SD, Authors: Drs.
Haryono et al.
Publisher: PT
v Image puppet
v Environment
Reading 7. Understand
written discourse
literature and
nonsastra in
cultural framework
7.1 Understand the
themed stationery
of health.
Text reading
v Reading the text reading
and answered
questions from the text.
v Describe the contents
v Telling images
with health.
v Students read the text
readings, then
answer the question
v Students explain the contents
v Students are told
images are available
in the book.
v oral test
v written test
8 hours
v Books Sinau tongue
Java Gagrag
Newer Class I
SD, Authors: Drs.
Haryono et al.
Publisher: PT
v The book story
v Figure
v Magazines
v The natural environment
v Environment
Environmental fi v sik
Java 5 Language Syllabus Class I SD
Writing 8. Reveal
notion of discourse
written literature and
nonsastra in
cultural framework
8.1 Write the word
or sentence
with letter
v Responding to questions
reading the contents.
v Mention macammacam
v Telling mcammacam
traditional and
v Write a sentence
with letter
v Students listening
and read the text,
then answer
question text.
v Students sing
some songs
traditional games
Students observe v
picture game
tardisional and
mention his name
and tell.
v Students demonstrate
or do
traditional games
friends together.
Students copy the words v
or sentences about
traditional games
with the letter continued.
v written test
v Activities
8 hours
v Books Sinau tongue
Java Gagrag
Newer Class I
SD, Authors: Drs.
Haryono et al.
Publisher: PT
v Magazines
v Figure
v The natural environment
Yogyakarta, ... 2011
Principal, Teacher Class I,
.... ....
Draft language Java Class I SD 6
Name of School: SD / MI ...
Subject: Java Language
Class / Semester: I / 1
Allocated time: 8 Hours Lesson
A. Competency Standards
Aspect: Listening
Understanding oral discourse in literary and cultural framework nonsastra Java.
B. Basic Competencies
Understanding the animal fable that was read or through various media.
C. Indicator
1. Answering questions from the reading teacher read a fairy tale animals.
2. Mentioning the name of the character in a fairy tale.
3. Explain the nature of the characters in the tale.
4. Retelling the tale has been heard with the language
is simple.
5. Explaining the mandate of a fairy tale.
D. Learning Objectives
1. Students can answer the question of animal fable that was read
the teacher.
2. Students can name a character in a fairy tale by wondering
responsibilities and assignments.
3. Students can explain the nature of the characters in the fairy tale by wondering
responsibilities and assignments.
4. Students can retell stories heard through
demonstration with simple language and correct.
5. Students can explain the message or messages contained in
tale through the frequently asked questions.
E. Basic Material
Animal tales
F. Method
1. Storytelling
2. Lecture
3. Observation
4. Assignment
5. Debriefing
6. Demonstration
7. Approach: CTL
G. Step by Step Learning
The meeting to-1
1. Activities Introduction
a. Students are conditioned to the learning process.
b. Teachers motivate students to arrange seating or attendance
the students.
c. The teacher explains the objectives to be achieved in learning.
2. Core Activities
a. Exploration
1) Students are asked questions about the names of the animals had ever seen.
2) Students tell the living habits of animals.
3) Students are asked questions about the animals that are known fairy tales.
4) Teachers linking with learning materials.
b. Elaboration
1) Students observe pictures of animals on display at the front.
2) Students describe the name of the animal.
3) Students tell the life habits of these animals.
4) Students listen to a fairy tale "Bango Kodhok karo" which
told the teacher.
5) Students are asked questions about the content of fairy tales (character names, character, and
c. Ration rmasi
1) Students mention animal behavior is good and not good.
2) Students give examples of good habits in daily life.
3) Students with good behavior concludes teacher and not
7 Draft language Java Class I SD
4) Students can distinguish exemplary behavior and can not be
3. Closing Activities
a. Students conclude the mandate and the content of fairy tales.
b. Teachers inform the matter at its next meeting.
Meeting of the 2nd
1. Activities Introduction
a. Students prepare for a simple story.
b. Teacher asks about students' readiness to talk.
c. The teacher explains the learning objectives.
2. Core Activities
a. Exploration
1) Students observe pictures.
2) Students are given the freedom to tell the images are available
with friends at a table.
3) Students are alternately asked questions about the name of the character and temperament
characters in the picture.
b. Elaboration
1) The teacher read a fairy tale animals.
2) Some students demonstrate in front of you listen to fairy tales
his friends.
3) Other students noticed and in turn allowed
forward to demonstrate.
4) Students determine the mandate of the story with teacher guidance.
c. Ration rmasi
1) The teacher asked questions about the name of the character and character figures.
2) The teacher gives appreciation to students who have demonstrated
fairy tales.
3) Students compare the fairy tale characters with human behavior
3. Closing Activities
a. Students and teachers conclude their stories.
b. Students follow the example of good character in everyday life.
c. Teachers inform the matter at its next meeting.
3rd Meeting
1. Activities Introduction
a. The teacher gives the motivation of writing the names of animals to be read
the students.
b. The teacher explains the objectives to be achieved in learning.
c. Teachers inform the subject matter in learning.
2. Core Activities
a. Exploration
1) Students read the names of animals.
2) Students choose an animal fable illustrated in the library.
b. Elaboration
1) Students read fairy tale books that have been found in
the library.
2) Students tales to tell one animal that has been read
with the brief.
3) Students are asked questions about the content of fairy tales.
c. Ration rmasi
1) Students write the names of animals in a fairy tale with a guided
teachers how to use the correct stationery.
2) Students distinguish the pronunciation of t with th and d to dh.
3) The teacher gives appreciation to all students.
3. Closing Activities
As a follow up of students find themselves at home the title of a fairy tale.
The meeting to-4
Competency test test
H. Appraisal
1. Written and oral tests.
2. Activity or performance.
Draft language Java Class I SD 8
I. Learning Resources
1. Books Sinau Java tongue Gagrag Anyar 1 for Class I SD, Author: Drs.
Haryono et al., Publisher: PT Yudhistira
2. Magazine
3. Fairy tale book
4. Teacher development
5. The social environment
6. The natural environment
7. Cultural environment
8. Library
Yogyakarta, ... 2011
SD head ..., Master Class I,
........................................ .......................................
NIP ................................. NIP .................................
School: SD / MI ...
Subject: Java Language
Class / Semester: I / 1
Allocated time: 8 Hours Lesson
A. Competency Standards
Aspect: Speaking
Expressing the idea of ​​literary and oral discourse within the framework nonsastra
Javanese culture.
B. Basic Competencies
Introduce themselves and their families with the upload-ungguh
the right.
C. Indicator
1. Mention identity.
2. Mentioning the names of parents and family members.
3. School name and grade.
4. Mention your home address.
5. Drawing a family tree.
D. Learning Objectives
1. Students can mention self-identity through the demonstration and asked
2. Students may mention the names of parents and family members
through the assignment and frequently asked questions.
3. Students can name and grade school through the assignment
and answering questions.
4. Students can name her home address through the assignment.
5. Students can draw a family tree through the assignment and asked
9 Draft Language Java Class I SD
E. Basic Material
Self and Family
F. Method
1. Giving examples of introductions
2. Lecture
3. Debriefing
4. Assignment
5. Demonstration
Approach: CTL
G. Step by Step Learning
The meeting to-1
1. Activities Introduction
a. Students prepare by way of roll call.
b. Students prepare a family photo.
c. The teacher explains the objectives to be achieved in learning.
d. Teachers inform the summary learning materials.
2. Core Activities
a. Exploration
1) Students are asked questions by friends sebangkunya about his name.
2) The teacher gives students examples of how to introduce himself in front of
his friends.
3) Students sang the song titled "moving" together
with teacher guidance.
4) Student mentions his own name and names of family members.
5) Students are asked questions about the appropriate vocabulary ungguh upload-
Java language to introduce myself.
b. Elaboration
1) Students with the guidance of teachers to introduce themselves and name names
their parents and other family members.
2) Students show family photos.
3) Other students noticed and there should not be mocked.
4) The teacher facilitates the classroom activities, while frequently asked questions about
family members of students.
5) Students are being congratulated after advancing.
c. Ration rmasi
1) Students write a proper name and the name of his parents.
2) The teacher gives students an appreciation of courage.
3. Closing Activities
a. Students conclude the number of family members.
b. As a follow-up to students to list the name of his brother.
c. Teachers inform the learning materials for meeting
the next.
Meeting of the 2nd
1. Activities Introduction
a. Students preparing to follow the lesson.
b. One of the students to tell the names of his brother.
c. Teachers give students the motivation to courage.
d. The teacher explains the learning objectives.
e. The teacher explains the subject matter of learning.
2. Core Activities
a. Exploration
1) Students are told the names of his family members.
2) Students are allowed to tell other family members.
3) Students attach a photo of himself and his family in a book while given
name of the image.
b. Elaboration
1) Students create a genealogy of his family.
2) Teachers guide students around so that no student who
3) One of the students to tell where he lived and wrote
the address.
c. Ration rmasi
1) Students are asked difficult things such as how to create a pedigree.
2) The teacher gave appreciation to all the students about his bravery.
Draft language Java Class I SD 10
3. Closing Activities
a. Teachers give assessments of student work.
b. Students are allowed to see each photo kelaurganya members.
c. As a follow up of students talked about the mother or father.
3rd Meeting
1. Activities Introduction
a. Students prepare to follow the lesson.
b. The teacher explains the objectives to be achieved in learning.
c. Teachers inform the subject matter of learning.
2. Core Activities
a. Exploration
1) Students are asked questions about the names of his friends in one class.
2) Students are asked questions about his pleasure.
b. Elaboration
1) Students are told about a hobby or his hobby.
2) The teacher facilitates by guiding and directing the
c. Ration rmasi
1) Students infer intent hobby or avocation.
2) As a follow-up student exchange addresses.
3) Students distinguish the use of the word signifies, iku, and Kae.
3. Closing Activities
a. Teachers and students do refl eksi deficiencies in learning.
b. Students prepare to test the competency test at the next meeting
The meeting to-4
Competency test test
H. Appraisal
1. Written and oral tests.
2. Activity or performance.
I. Learning Resources
1. Books Sinau Java tongue Gagrag Anyar 1 for Class I SD, Author: Drs.
Haryono et al., Publisher: PT Yudhistira
2. Family Photos
3. Family environment
4. The social environment
Yogyakarta, ... 2011
SD head ..., Master Class I,
........................................ .......................................
NIP ................................. NIP .................................
11 Draft Language Java Class I SD
School: SD / MI ...
Subject: Java Language
Class / Semester: I / 1
Allocation of Time: 8 Hours Lesson
A. Competency Standards
Aspect: Reading
Understand the discourse of literary writing and nonsastra within the framework of Javanese culture.
B. Basic Competencies
Sang the song Dolanan.
C. Indicator
1. Mimicked song Dolanan exemplified by the teacher.
2. Dolanan song memorized.
3. Singing a song Dolanan.
4. Demonstrate Dolanan song with movement.
D. Learning Objectives
1. Students can imitate song Dolanan exemplified by the teacher.
2. Students can memorize song Dolanan.
3. Students can sing the song Dolanan.
4. Students can demonstrate Dolanan song with movement.
E. Basic Material
Tembang Dolanan
F. Method
1. Exemplification
2. Debriefing
3. Lecture
4. Assignment
5. Demonstration
Approach: CTL and cooperative
G. Step by Step Learning
The meeting to-1
1. Activities Introduction
a. Teachers motivate the students to be invited to sing song
Dolanan Java language.
b. Teachers divide into small groups.
c. The teacher explains the objectives to be achieved in learning.
d. Teachers inform the learning material.
2. Core Activities
a. Exploration
1) Students are asked questions about Dolanan song ever
he heard.
2) Students sing the song Dolanan together.
3) Students read Dolanan song in the book.
4) The teacher gives examples of how to sing the song Dolanan, students
mimicked and repeated.
5) Students sing the song in the book are bersamasama Dolanan.
b. Elaboration
1) Students memorize the song Dolanan.
2) Students sing the song in front of the class Dolanan
3) The teacher gives attention to the students when singing
Dolanan song so no errors.
c. Ration rmasi
1) Students are asked questions about the content of song Dolanan.
2) The teacher gives guidance if there are students who have not been properly
in singing the song Dolanan.
3) The teacher gives appreciation to all students.
4) Teachers and students sing the song in the group Dolanan
while doing the movement.
3. Closing Activities
a. Students sing the song again Dolanan together.
Draft language Java Class I SD 12
b. Teachers inform the matter at its next meeting.
c. As a follow-up students memorize their own at home for
exhibited at the next meeting.
Meeting of the 2nd
1. Activities Introduction
a. Teachers roll one by one.
b. The teacher explains the objectives to be achieved in learning.
c. The teacher informs the material to be delivered.
2. Core Activities
a. Exploration
1) Students repeating the already memorized song Dolanan
2) Teachers guide the students if there is still one of the
sing the song Dolanan.
3) One student tried to sing the song in front Dolanan
the class.
4) Students are invited out of the classroom do Dolanan moldy.
b. Elaboration
1) Students in groups singing the song Dolanan moldy.
2) Students determine who wins and who loses in a way
3) Students sing the song Dolanan with rotary motion
surrounds one of the students who become bait or lose.
4) Teachers supervise and give examples of how to perform movements that
regular and compact in a clockwise direction.
5) Students imitate the movement of teachers together.
c. Ration rmasi
1) Students sing the song while doing the movement Dolanan
is good.
2) Teachers instill good values ​​in Dolanan moldy.
3. Closing Activities
a. Students give appreciation to his friend.
b. Teachers inform the matter at its next meeting.
3rd Meeting
1. Activities Introduction
a. Teachers give motivation by relating material and then with
which will be studied.
b. The teacher explains the objectives to be achieved in learning.
c. The teacher informs the material to be studied.
2. Core Activities
a. Exploration
1) Students are asked questions about the song that was sung.
2) Students sing a traditional song in front of
his friend.
3) Teachers guide students to be able to perform movements with
the spirit.
b. Elaboration
1) Students in groups to sing the song "Kate Jago"
with movement.
2) Students learn to read and write simple sentences.
c. Ration rmasi
1) Students expressed his impression of movement while
singing "Kate Jago".
2) Teachers and students do refl eksi on how to do motion
is good.
3) Students deduce the values ​​contained in the song.
4) Students read and copy the song to write books.
5) Students practice using married and punika.
3. Closing Activities
a. Students cool the atmosphere after the motion.
b. Teachers give appreciation to all students.
13 Draft Language Java Class I SD
The meeting to-4
Competency test test
H. Appraisal
1. Written and oral tests.
2. Activity or performance.
I. Learning Resources
1. Books Sinau Java tongue Gagrag Anyar 1 for Class I SD, Author: Drs.
Haryono et al., Publisher: PT Yudhistira
2. The book collection of song Dolanan
3. Tapes and tape recorders
4. Picture
5. The social environment
6. The natural environment
Yogyakarta, ... 2011
SD head ..., Master Class I,
........................................ .......................................
NIP ................................. NIP .................................
School: SD / MI ...
Subject: Java Language
Class / semester: I / 1
Allocated time: 8 Hours Lesson
A. Competency Standards
Aspects: Writing
Expressing the idea of ​​writing literary discourse and within the framework nonsastra
Javanese culture.
B. Basic Competencies
Write words and sentences themed school with the letter off.
C. Indicator
1. Recognize letters and words.
2. Thicken writing the words of the book.
3. Copying text from a book of words.
4. Write down the words dictated the teacher or written on the board.
5. Imitating the teacher pronounced the sentence.
6. Write simple sentences.
D. Learning Objectives
1. Students can recognize letters and words.
2. Students can thicken writing the words of the book.
3. Students can copy text from a book of words.
4. Students can write down the words dictated the teacher or written on
the board.
5. Students can imitate the teacher pronounced the sentence.
6. Students can write simple sentences.
E. Basic Material
Word and sentence Themed School
F. Method
1. Lecture
Draft language Java Class I SD 14
2. Debriefing
3. Assignment
4. Exercise
5. Demonstration
Approach: CTL and inquiri
G. Step by Step Learning
The meeting to-1
1. Activities Introduction
a. Teachers give motivation to write one word on the blackboard, students
asked how to read it.
b. The teacher explains the learning objectives to be achieved.
c. Teachers inform the subject matter to be taught.
2. Core Activities
a. Exploration
1) Students listen to teacher read passages.
2) Students imitate the words from the text.
3) Students are asked questions about the words spoken.
4) Every word written student teacher on the blackboard.
5) Students write their own spoken words.
b. Elaboration
1) Students imitate the spoken words and sentences a teacher.
2) Students are alternately read a word.
3) Students answer questions from the readings.
c. Ration rmasi
1) Students are asked about the difficulty of mimicking and read the words.
2) The teacher gave a briefing on what is said,
then students are welcome to write in a book.
3. Closing Activities
a. Students find school-themed words from the text.
b. Students say the school-themed words from the text.
c. The teacher reminds the subject matter will be studied at the meeting
that will come.
Meeting of the 2nd
1. Activities Introduction
a. Students are prepared to follow the lesson.
b. Teachers motivate the students to give one word to
exemplary damages.
2. Core Activities
a. Exploration
1) Students imitate the words spoken by the teacher.
2) Students read a simple sentence.
b. Elaboration
1) Students write words that are read.
2) Students write a simple sentence that has been read.
c. Ration rmasi
1) Students who struggle to be guided by the teacher.
2) Students try to find their own words and simple sentences made
own but is still accompanied by the teacher.
3) Students perform error correction if any.
3. Closing Activities
a. Students gather all the tasks done.
b. Teachers inform the subject matter at its next meeting.
3rd Meeting
1. Activities Introduction
a. Students asked questions about the material before.
b. Teachers associate with learning to be delivered.
c. The teacher explains the objectives to be achieved in learning.
2. Core Activities
a. Exploration
1) Students recognize the letters, then read the words
available in the book.
2) Students write the words from the book by writing thicken.
15 Draft Language Java Class I SD
b. Elaboration
1) Students copy the text from the book.
2) Each student find 5 words, then write in the book.
3) Students develop a simple word into a sentence.
4) Students with teacher-made sentences.
5) Students are given the opportunity to correct the wrong sentences
to correct.
6) The teacher gives guidance to students who are still wrong and
c. Ration rmasi
1) Students expressed difficulty in writing words and sentences.
2) Teachers motivate the students do not despair and fear of being wrong.
3) Students memorize the word number in the Java language.
3. Closing Activities
a. Students collect their work.
b. Teachers give assessments.
c. The teacher informed that next meeting the competency test test.
The meeting to-4
Competency test test
H. Appraisal
1. Written and oral tests.
2. Activity or performance.
I. Learning Resources
1. Books Sinau Java tongue Gagrag Anyar 1 for Class I SD, Author: Drs.
Haryono et al., Publisher: PT Yudhistira
2. Magazine
3. The natural environment
4. The social environment
Yogyakarta, ... 2011
SD head ..., Master Class I,
........................................ .......................................
NIP ................................. NIP .................................
School: SD / MI ...
Subject: Java Language
Class / Semester: I / 2
Allocated time: 8 Hours Lesson
A. Competency Standards
Aspect: Listening
Understanding oral discourse in literary and cultural framework nonsastra Java.
B. Basic Competencies
Understand the oral discourse of love-themed read out or through
various media.
C. Indicator
1. Answering the question content of oral discourse that is played.
2. Listen to the message delivered as a sign of parental love
3. Continue the sentence.
4. Read or sing the song, and then explain its contents.
5. Finding examples of affectionate behavior in the passage.
6. Giving examples of the behavior of compassion in everyday life.
7. Jot down words and sentences themed affection.
D. Learning Objectives
1. Students can be answering questions orally the contents of the discourse that is played.
2. Students can listen to the message delivered as a parent
sign of affection.
3. Students can continue the sentence.
4. Students can read or sing songs, and then explain
its contents.
5. Students can find examples of affectionate behavior in the passage.
6. Students can give examples of affectionate behavior in the life
7. Students can write words and sentences themed affection.
Draft language Java Class I SD 16
E. Basic Material
Valentines Themed Discourse
F. Method
1. Submission of oral discourse
2. Lecture
3. Debriefing
4. Assignment
5. Demonstarsi
Approach: CTL and inquiri
G. Step by Step Learning
The meeting to-1
1. Activities Introduction
a. Motivate teachers by giving words of praise to the students
the diligent.
b. The teacher explains the objectives to be achieved.
c. Teachers submit a summary of learning materials.
2. Core Activities
a. Exploration
1) Students are asked questions about parental affection.
2) Students listen to stories from teachers about parental affection.
3) Students answer questions related to the story
teacher delivered.
b. Elaboration
1) Students define difficult words from the story told by the teacher.
2) Students with teacher guidance deciphering difficult words together.
3) Students express a sentence that contains the affection of
the story.
4) Students write a sentence that expresses affection.
c. Ration rmasi
1) Students tell teachers' difficulties in understanding the story.
2) Teachers guide and encourage students who have difficulties.
3) Students mention the behavior of love in life seharihari
ever conducted at school or at home.
3. Closing Activities
a. Students give examples of acts of love to all beings
of life.
b. Teachers give appreciation to all students who have done
act of compassion for our fellow beings.
c. Students implement the behavior of compassion to families in
home as a follow-up tasks.
d. Teachers inform the subject matter at its next meeting.
Meeting of the 2nd
1. Activities Introduction
a. The teacher explains the objectives to be achieved in learning.
b. Teachers inform the subject matter of learning.
2. Core Activities
a. Exploration
1) Students listen to examples of the parent message.
2) Students are asked questions about parental messages.
3) Students pass sentence parental messages.
b. Elaboration
1) Students listen to a message or advice of a teacher.
2) Students demonstrate counsel delivered a message or a teacher.
c. Ration rmasi
1) Students with teacher guidance concludes shape or form
loving parents and teachers.
2) Students are asked about the difficulty of applying the message or advice
parents and teachers in everyday life.
3) The teacher emphasizes the application of love in life
4) Students implement good behavior and based on love
affection in everyday life.
3. Closing Activities
a. Students are given the appreciation in implementing the affection.
b. Teachers inform the subject matter at its next meeting.
c. As a follow-up to students to tell you the application of behavioral
affection for the father and his mother or his brother.
17 Draft Language Java Class I SD
3rd Meeting
1. Activities Introduction
a. Student learning and questioning.
b. Teachers associate with learning to be performed.
c. The teacher explains the learning objectives to be achieved.
d. Teachers inform the learning material.
2. Core Activities
a. Exploration
1) Students sing the song together about love
with teacher guidance.
2) Students give examples of good behavior in seharihari life.
3) Students imitate the teacher read a simple sentence.
4) Students read the words and simple sentences.
5) Students match simple sentences with pictures.
b. Elaboration
1) Students are asked questions examples of affection between people.
2) Students noticed that exemplified how to make conversation
the teacher.
3) Students ask each other about the example of the behavior of affection
been done.
4) Students have a conversation about love.
c. Ration rmasi
1) Students write the word love.
2) Students write words associated with love.
3) Students write simple sentences about love.
4) Students memorize some vocabulary ngoko Java language and
Java language manners.
3. Closing Activities
a. Students and teachers do refl eksi about learning to do.
b. Teachers provide information for the next meeting of test test
The meeting to-4
Competency test test
H. Appraisal
1. Written and oral tests.
2. Activity or performance.
I. Learning Resources
1. Books Sinau Java tongue Gagrag Anyar 1 for Class I SD, Author: Drs.
Haryono et al., Publisher: PT Yudhistira
2. Picture
3. Magazine
4. The social environment
5. The natural environment
Yogyakarta, ... 2011
SD head ..., Master Class I,
. ....................................... .......................................
NIP ................................. NIP .................................
Draft language Java Class I SD 18
School: SD / MI ...
Subject: Java Language
Class / semester: I / 2
Allocated time: 8 Hours Lesson
A. Competency Standards
Aspect: Speaking
Expressing the idea of ​​literary and oral discourse within the framework nonsastra
Javanese culture.
B. Basic Competencies
Telling panakawan puppet.
C. Indicator
1) Understanding the discourse about the puppet panakawan and answer
reading questions.
2) Interpret difficult words from the text.
3) Retells the content of discourse.
4) Mention the names of the puppet panakawan.
5) Describe the characteristic panakawan puppet characters.
6) Sort the puppet panakawan kinship.
D. Learning Objectives
1) Students can understand discourse about wayang panakawan and
answer the reading questions.
2) Students can interpret difficult words from the text.
3) Students can retell the content of discourse.
4) Students may mention the names of panakawan puppet.
5) Students can explain the characteristics of puppet characters panakawan.
6) Students can sort kinship panakawan puppet.
E. Basic Material
Puppet Panakawan
F. Method
1. Lecture
2. Debriefing
3. Assignment
4. Discussion
5. Demonstration
Approach: CTL and cooperative
G. Step by Step Learning
The meeting to-1
1. Activities Introduction
a. Teacher attendance and motivating students.
b. The teacher explains the objectives to be achieved in learning.
c. Teachers inform the summary of material to be delivered.
2. Core Activities
a. Exploration
1) Students are asked questions about story puppet.
2) Students who tells the story of the puppet characters ever seen.
3) Students observe images of puppets that have been prepared teachers.
4) Students are asked questions about the puppet characters from the image.
b. Elaboration
1) Students listen to stories of puppets from reading the text that was read
the teacher.
2) Students read the difficult words and look for meaning.
3) Students answer questions from reading the text that has been
be heard.
c. Ration rmasi
1) Students name panakawan of reading
played, then mentioned characteristics.
2) Students retell the content of reading orally.
3) Students are alternately asked questions about puppet
19 Draft Language Java Class I SD
3. Closing Activities
a. Students learn the puppet panakawan telling impression.
b. Teachers inform the subject matter at its next meeting.
Meeting of the 2nd
1. Activities Introduction
a. Students asked questions about his readiness to follow the lessons.
b. Teacher attendance of all students.
c. The teacher recalls the teaching materials that will be studied.
d. The teacher explains the objectives to be achieved in learning.
e. Teachers inform the summary learning materials.
2. Core Activities
a. Exploration
1) Students read about the puppet wacan panakawan with
guidance teachers.
2) Students are questioning the meaning of difficult words from the text.
3) Students answer questions from the readings.
4) Students match names with pictures puppet puppet
panakawan correct.
b. Elaboration
1) Students conclude the names of the clown-servants based on image
teachers appointed puppet.
2) Students match back images of puppets who were randomized.
3) The teacher gave appreciation to students who can quickly
matching images of puppets with his name.
4) Students tell panakawan puppet figures are
5) Students tell traits puppet clown-servants
c. Ration rmasi
1) Students with teacher guidance concludes puppet feature
2) The teacher gives refl kesulitang eksi about recognizing the puppet
and its characteristics.
3) The teacher gave appreciation to all students who have grasped
panakawan puppet.
3. Closing Activities
a. Teachers inform the subject matter at its next meeting.
b. Students as a follow-up to search for images one puppet
panakawan to be collected at the next meeting.
3rd Meeting
1. Activities Introduction
1) Students asked questions of learning at the last meeting.
2) Students prepare images of puppets.
3) The teacher explains the objectives to be achieved in learning.
4) The teacher informs the material to be studied.
2. Core Activities
a. Exploration
1) Students are asked questions panakawan puppet images.
2) The teacher explains how to sort images from the panakawan
The oldest and mentions characteristics panakawan.
3) Students sort the pictures panakawan of the oldest and
panakawan mentioned characteristics.
b. Elaboration
1) Students sort panakawan figures together.
2) The teacher asks students questions and answers with the puppet characters
then the students take pictures of child.
3) Students are asked questions by his bench while holding
picture child.
4) Students read a passage about the puppet together panakawan
with teacher guidance.
5) Students mimicked the difficult words and asked questions about its meaning.
6) Students answer reading questions.
c. Ration rmasi
1) Students write the name of the puppet panakawan.
2) Students write simple sentences about panakawan puppet.
3) Students learn the letter e and pronunciation differences in word
Semar, Petruk, and Gareng.
4) Teachers motivate students to love art and culture
nation itself.
5) Students with teacher guidance concludes learning materials.
Draft language Java Class I SD 20
3. Closing Activities
The teacher informed that next meeting the competency test test.
The meeting to-4
Competency test test
H. Appraisal
1. Written and oral tests.
2. Activity or performance.
I. Learning Resources
1. Books Sinau Java tongue Gagrag Anyar 1 for Class I SD, Author: Drs.
Haryono et al., Publisher: PT Yudhistira
2. Image puppet panakawan
3. The social environment
Yogyakarta, ... 2011
SD head ..., Master Class I,
........................................ .......................................
NIP ................................ NIP .................................
School: SD / MI ...
Subject: Java Language
Class / Semester: I / 2
Allocation of Time: 8 Hours Lesson
A. Competency Standards
Aspect: Reading
Understand the discourse of literary writing and nonsastra within the framework of Javanese culture.
B. Basic Competencies
Understand the discourse of health-themed stationery.
C. Indicator
1. Reading the text reading and answering questions from the text.
2. Explaining the content of reading.
3. Telling images related to health.
D. Learning Objectives
1. Students can embaca reading text and answering questions from the text.
2. Students can explain the content of reading.
3. Students can tell the health-related images.
E. Basic Material
Health Themed Reading Text
F. Method
1. Lecture
2. Debriefing
3. Assignment
4. Demonstration / simulation
Approach: CTL and cooperative
G. Step by Step Learning
21 Draft Language Java Class I SD
The meeting to-1
1. Activities Introduction
a. The teacher explains the objectives to be achieved in learning.
b. Teachers inform the summary of material that will be studied.
2. Core Activities
a. Exploration
1) Students are asked questions about how to maintain health.
2) Students listen to health-themed text.
b. Elaboration
1) Students learn the lessons from the text reading with a question and answer.
2) Students answer questions about the content of reading.
c. Ration rmasi
1) Students are asked questions about his habits in maintaining health
the body.
2) Students conclude about healthy behavior in everyday life.
3. Closing Activities
a. Teachers inform the subject matter at its next meeting.
b. As a follow up of students assigned to exercise regularly.
Meeting of the 2nd
1. Activities Introduction
a. The teacher explains the objectives to be achieved in learning.
b. Teachers inform the subject matter of learning.
2. Core Activities
a. Exploration
1) Students are asked questions about foods that are healthful and
unhealthy foods.
2) Students listen to the text entitled "Agus Lara Weteng" which
read by the teacher.
b. Elaboration
1) Students read back text that has been read by the reading teacher.
2) Students answer questions about the content of reading.
3) Students submit their opinions relating to the pictures
in the book.
c. Ration rmasi
1) Student retells the reading content.
2) Students conclude on how to maintain health in terms of
of food.
3) The teacher gives students motivation and appreciation to
3. Closing Activities
a. Teachers inform the subject matter at its next meeting.
b. As a follow-up students should always choose healthy foods.
3rd Meeting
1. Activities Introduction
a. Teacher motivation by asking students mimicked the words
are spoken.
b. The teacher explains the objectives to be achieved in learning.
c. The teacher informs the principal meteri learning.
2. Core Activities
a. Exploration
1) Students read simple sentences with pictures.
2) Students observe pictures related to health
and read the sentences below.
3) Students demonstrate an image and are motivated to perform
habits in the picture.
b. Elaboration
1) Students read the text reading together.
2) Students imitate simple sentences in the language and manners ngoko
read by the teacher.
3) Students answer questions about the content of reading by using
language manners.
4) Students complete the sentences with the right words.
c. Ration rmasi
1) Students observe a picture and resume the sentence based on
the picture.
Draft language Java Class I SD 22
2) Students write a simple sentence themed health.
3) Students distinguish between words that are similar, such as: eye with
motto, a way with cockroaches, and lara with loro.
3. Closing Activities
a. Students conclude the things that must be done to maintain
of health.
b. Students are motivated to get used to maintain the health of the
exercising, eating nutritious food, and hygiene.
c. Students preparing to conduct competency test test preparation
at the next meeting.
The meeting to-4
Competency test test
H. Appraisal
1. Written test
2. Oral test
I. Learning Resources
1. Books Sinau Java tongue Gagrag Anyar 1 for Class I SD, Author: Drs.
Haryono et al., Publisher: PT Yudhistira
2. Storybooks
3. Picture
4. Magazine
5. The natural environment
6. The social environment
7. Environmental fi sik
Yogyakarta, ... 2011
SD head ..., Master Class I,
........................................ .......................................
NIP ................................. NIP .................................
School: SD / MI ...
Subject: Java Language
Class / semester: I / 2
Allocated time: 8 Hours Lesson
A. Competency Standards
Aspects: Writing
Expressing the idea of ​​writing literary discourse and within the framework nonsastra
Javanese culture.
B. Basic Competencies
Write the word or phrase traditional game with the letter continued.
C. Indicator
1. Answering the question content readings.
2. Which types of traditional games.
3. Telling a variety of traditional games and
4. Write a sentence with the letter continued.
D. Learning Objectives
1. Students can answer the question the content of reading.
2. Students can define which types of traditional games.
3. Students can tell all kinds of traditional games and
4. Students can write sentences with the letter continued.
E. Basic Material
Traditional games (Dolanan)
F. Method
1. Lecture
2. Debriefing
3. Assignment
4. Demonstration
Approach: CTL and cooperative
23 Draft Language Java Class I SD
G. Step by Step Learning
1. Activities Introduction
a. Students preparing to follow the lesson, the teacher student attendance.
b. The teacher gives motivation to the students about the traditional game.
c. The teacher explains the objectives to be achieved in learning.
d. Inform teachers' instructional material summary.
2. Core Activities
a. Exploration
1) Students listen to the song "Cublak-Cublak Suweng", then
sing it together.
2) Students answer questions related to the song "Cublak-
Cublak Suweng ".
3) Students tell one of the game has ever done.
4) Students write the names of the traditional game.
b. Elaboration
1) Students form groups of each group of 4 students.
2) Students conduct game-cublak cublak suweng.
3) Teachers around watching how his game.
c. Ration rmasi
1) Students expressed his impression playing the game together.
2) Students with the teachers do refl eksi about the game.
3) The teacher gives appreciation to all students.
3. Closing Activities
a. Teachers give appreciation to all students who have successfully
playing the game.
b. Teachers inform the subject matter at its next meeting.
c. As a follow up of students play a game at home with
Meeting of the 2nd
1. Activities Introduction
a. Students asked questions about playing on at the last meeting.
b. Associate teachers with materials that will be delivered.
c. The teacher explains the objectives to be achieved in learning.
d. Teachers inform the summary learning materials.
2. Core Activities
a. Exploration
1) Students sing the song "buckshot Legendri".
2) Students are asked questions about the game legendri buckshot.
b. Elaboration
1) Students in groups make buckshot legendri game.
2) Students are told about other traditional games
is known.
c. Ration rmasi
1) Students observe pictures of traditional games and read the names
2) Students play these games.
3) Students and teachers do refl eksi about games that have been
carried out.
4) Students expressed his impression after the game
5) Students conclude the game the right way of doing.
3. Closing Activities
a. Students do the cooling after the game.
b. Teachers inform the subject matter at its next meeting.
c. As a follow up of students doing their own game with his friends
at home.
3rd Meeting
1. Activities Introduction
a. Students asked questions about playing on that has been done on
meetings ago.
b. Students read the words with the letter continued.
c. Students match the name of the game with a caption that
d. The teacher explains the objectives to be achieved in learning.
e. Teachers deliver the subject matter of learning.
2. Core Activities
a. Exploration
1) Students simulate reading of the text entitled "Market.
Answer Key Java Language Class I SD 24
2) Teachers linking with lessons that will be delivered.
3) Students answer questions about the content of reading.
4) Students observe pictures of games and read the name of the game
with care.
b. Elaboration
1) Students sing the song are available in books bersamasama.
2) Students thicken the writing name of the game in the book.
3) Students are writing letters to replace the print with the letter continued upright.
4) Teacher guide and help get around difficult students.
c. Ration rmasi
1) Students observe pictures of traditional games and reading
simple sentences underneath.
2) Students write a simple sentence with the letter continued upright.
3) Students ask things that are not yet clear how to write letters
up connection.
4) Teachers do refl eksi about the difficulties students write up
5) Students write dictated words or phrases with letters of teachers
up connection.
6) For students who really have difficulty accompanied by a teacher to
can finish the job.
7) Students are asked to memorize words in the language and manners ngoko.
3. Closing Activities
a. Students who have completed the task of collecting.
b. As a follow-up students are given homework assignment to write letters upright
c. The teacher informed that next meeting the test trials
The meeting to-4
Competency test test
H. Appraisal
1. Written test
2. Activity
I. Learning Resources
1. Books Sinau Java tongue Gagrag Anyar 1 for Class I SD, Author: Drs.
Haryono et al., Publisher: PT Yudhistira
2. Magazine
3. Figure traditional games
4. The natural environment
Yogyakarta, ... 2011
SD head ..., Master Class I,
........................................ .......................................
NIP ................................. NIP .................................
25 Answer Key Java Language Class I SD
Answer Key Sinau tongue Gagrag Anyar Java Class I
Wulangan I
Page 4: Page 7:
® hard atine ® gedhang mateng
® bango ® kethek
® invited mabur ® deer
® sendhang sing akeh banyune ® ngangso / uric
® arrives at the center pedestal ® keceblung wells
® seneng tetulung
® nglewakake promise
Deuteronomy Wulangan 1
a. 1. ing edge of time b. 1. a 6. b
2. deer 2. b 7. a
3. keyong 3. b 8. b
4. deer 4. a 9. b
5. umuk 5. b 10. a
c. 1. loro
2. seneng tetulung
3. nglewakake appointment / seneng ngapusi
4. papat
5. Dawa
Wulangan 2
Page 19: Page 22: Page 23:
Putrane ® ® ® asthma iki irungku
Bapakne ® ® ® asmanipun iku shoes
Putrane ® ® ® griya iku my hat
Ibune ® ® ® dalemipun Kae Sulak
Adhine ® ® ® setunggal iki lime
® kakangne ​​® Kae broom
Deuteronomy Wulangan 2
a. 1. herd
2. BIMA, Sivi, the father (Mr. Virtuous), saha mother (bu astuti)
3. dear sir
4. bu astuti
5. Siwi
b. 1. a 6. a c. 1. sd park
2. a 7. b 2. dear sir
3. a 8. a 3. Siwi
4. b 9. a 4. road mataram
5. a 10. b 5. bu astuti
Wulangan 3
Page 37:
Today Siwi bases kramane menika Siwi
punika ngokone iku bima BIMA base
Today ngokone menika chair seat base
Today kramane menika table base table
Today ngokone menika base cat cat
Wulangan Deuteronomy 3
a. 1. b. metu 1. b 6. b
2. Sinau 2. a 7. a
3. slate 3. a 8. b
4. kothak 4. a 9. a
5. the middle 5. b 10. a
c. 1. Today broom broom base kramane menika
2. iku ngokone punika base plate plate
3. Today radhio bases kramane menika radhio
4. menika teapot teapot base iki ngokone
5. punika ngokone iku glass base glass
Wulangan 4
Page 45:
· Bag
· Books, potelod, kaliyan eraser
· Nyerat
· Chairs, tables, blackboard kaliyan
· Kaliyan neat rehearsal
Answer Key Java Language Class I SD 26
Wulangan Deuteronomy 4
c. 1. a 6. a d. 1. Siji bases kramane setunggal
2. a 7. a 2. loro bases kramane kalih
3. b 8. b 3. telu kramane three bases
4. a 9. a 4. papat kramane horde base
5. b 10. b 5. five bases kramane gangsal
Deuteronomy Odd Semester
a. 1. daleme stained
2. deer karo kethek
3. gedhang mateng
4. kethek
5. deer diuyak kethek
b. 1. a 6. b c. 1. papat
2. b 7. a 2. asmane
3. a 8. a 3. mother
4. b 9. a 4. sedheku
5. b 10. a 5. chair
Wulangan 5
Page 68:
· · Takon ndonga
· Breakfast · rame
· Naughty · kiwa for or exchange
· Tengen turned kiwa
· Ngrungokake
Wulangan Deuteronomy 5
a. 1. dina Setu 4. ndonga
2. Udan udanan 5. ora arep Udan udanan
3. kanca kancane
b. 1. seat 6. kiwa / edge c. 1. a 6. a
2. hair 7. breakfast 2. a 7. b
3. benikna 8. sweep 3. b 8. b
4. hand 9. ngati ati 4. b 9. b
5. shoes 10. Udan udanan 5. a 10. b
Wulangan 6
Page 84: Page 86:
· · Bambang sukodadi semar, Gareng, Petruk, Ian ponderous
· Naughty · momong the Satriya pandhawa
· Gelut karo bambang pecruk · coral Tumaritis
· · Telu semar
· · Cendhek little bambang pecruk
· Petruk lan ponderous
· Little vertex
· Ponderous
· Ponderous
· Lemu rich semar
Page 89:
· Ismaya
· God
· Lemu
· Becik
· Setya
Wulangan Deuteronomy 6
a. 1. Gareng
2. bambang sukodadi
3. semar
4. pecruk bambang panyukilan
5. naughty
b. 1. b 6. b c. 1. Petruk little awake vertex
2. b 7. a 2. Gareng kakange lan ponderous Petruk
3. b 8. b 3. cumbersome adhine Petruk
4. b 9. a 4. semar bapakne Gareng lan ponderous Petruk
5. b 10. b 5. panakawan semar Gareng lan ponderous Petruk
Wulangan 7
Page 99: Page 100:
· Stall · ora lara
· · Ora lelaran manganese comestible sing surrounded Laler
· Sports · ora so surrounded Laler
· Nutrition · get diarrhea
· Mun · health njaga obedient boy (yes for or Durung)
27 Answer Key Java Language Class I SD
Page 7: Page 104:
Kalih Laler · · · dikumbah
· Clinic · · lemut lelara
Drugs covered · · · loro
Boten · healthy · · peteng wisuh
Lara · · · disease dilempit
Pages 104-105:
Lara · · reged
· · Tangi turu adus
· Gymnastics
Wulangan Deuteronomy 7
a. 1. bu astuti b. 1. Laler
2. dhokter 2. lemes
3. nambani wong lara 3. dikumbah
4. dhokter 4. wisuh
5. Sinau 5. hot lara
c. 1. a 6. a
2. b 7. b
3. a 8. b
4. a 9. a
5. a 10. b
Wulangan 8
Page 115:
· Titanium · soni soni rani lan lan rani
· Background · pillars
· Tita
Wulangan Deuteronomy 8
a. 1. Siwi, dance, lan nani
2. ngarep omah
3. rubber band
4. s main nglumpati diubengake rubber rubber
5. harmonious
b. 1. b 6. b
2. a 7. b
3. b 8. a
4. a 9. b
5. b 10. b
Deuteronomy Semester Genep
a. 1. dina weeks esuk b. 1. a 6. b
2. bales balan 2. b 7. b
3. Field 3. b 8. b
4. banu 4. a 9. a
5. Udan udanan 5. b 10. a
c. 1. to the 2nd
2. image to-1
3. images to-4
4. images to-3
5. images to-5
1. image to-1
2. to the 2nd
3. images to-4
4. images to-5
5. images to-3
d. 1. table
2. wisuhen
3. edge
4. breakfast
5. ngati ati

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