Kamis, 13 Oktober 2011


LESSONS YEAR 2010/2011

Name of School: Elementary MUHAMMADIYAH Banjaran
School Address: Banjaran Sukoreno Sentolo Kulonprogo

A. Background
Application of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 32 Year 2004 regarding Regional Government demanding the implementation of regional autonomy and insight of democracy in education. Management is centralized education that originally turned into decentralized. Decentralized management of education with authority given to the schools to develop curriculum refers to the Law Number 20 Year 2003 regarding National Education System, Article 3 of the Functions and Purposes of National Education and Article 25 of the National Education Standards. Also the demands of globalization in education that refers to the results of national education can compete with the results of education in countries that first developed.
Dersentralisasi management education that is expected to meet local needs and conditions need to be implemented. Real form of decentralized management of education is given authority to the school to make decisions regarding the management of education. As in the management curriculum implemented by the school in its formulation.

B. Curriculum development goals
The curriculum is a set of plans and arrangements concerning the purpose, content and teaching materials and methods used to guide the implementation of learning activities to achieve specific educational goals. Specific purposes that include the national education goals, and in accordance with the attributes, conditions and potential areas, the education unit and learners. Therefore, the curriculum drawn up by the education unit to allow adjustment of educational programs to the needs and potentials that exist in the area.

The purpose of Muhammadiyah elementary education at the end of Year Lesson Banjaran 2010/2011, include:
1. Realization of the school community who have cultural and religious discipline
2. Implementation of a dynamic learning, dialogue, productive, active, creative and fun
3. The realization of 50% of educational facilities and the corresponding SNP
4. The realization of citizens of the school has a behavior 7K
5. Realization of an increasing number of students who are enrolled in junior high schools at least 50% of the register.
6. The realization of all components of school discipline (stakeholders) to form a formidable personality and sturdy as the foundation of every activity as well as school assets
7. Realization of increased activity and creativity of students through the implementation of intrakurikuler and extracurricular activities
8. The realization of regional culture through Mulok Java Language
9. The achievement of 65% of students able to read and live the holy book.
10. Implementation akhlaqul karimah practiced every day in the school environment and in society.

C. SBC Development Principles
Education Unit Level Curriculum (SBC) Elementary School Muhammadiyah Banjaran developed as a manifestation of primary and secondary education curricula. The curriculum is prepared by a drafting team consists of elements yag school and the school committee under the coordination and supervision of the Department of Education, Youth and Sports Kulonprogo District, with the guidance of resource persons and practitioners of education in District Sentolo. Curriculum development is based on the following principles:
1. Centered on the potential, developments, needs and interests of learners and the environment
The curriculum was developed based on the principle that learners have the potential to develop competencies central to a man who is faithful and devoted to God Almighty, noble, healthy, knowledgeable, capable, creative, independent, and become citizens of a democratic and responsible. To support the achievement of these objectives, the development of competencies tailored to the potential learners, developments, needs and interests of learners and the demands of the environment. Has the potential of central mean-centered learning activities of students.
2. Diverse and integrated
The curriculum was developed by taking into account the diversity of characteristics of learners, local conditions, danjenis levels of education, and non-discrimination and respect for differences of religion, ethnicity, culture, customs, socioeconomic status, and gender. The curriculum shall include the substance of the charge component of the curriculum, local content and self-development in an integrated manner, and arranged in a meaningful linkage and continuity between the substance and tept
3. Responsive to the development of science, technology and art
The curriculum was developed on the basis of the awareness that science, technology and art are growing dynamically. Therefore, the spirit and content of the curriculum provides learning experiences of learners to follow and take advantage of developments in science, technology and art.
4. Relevant to the needs of life
Curriculum development is done by involving the actors of interest to ensure the relevance of education to the needs of life including social life, personal, business and the world of work. Therefore, development of personal skills, thinking skills, social skills, academic skills and vocational skills is a necessity.
5. Comprehensive and sustainable
The substance of the whole curriculum dimensions of competency, the field of scholarly study and subjects who planned and presented on an ongoing basis between all levels of education.
6. Learning Throughout Life
The curriculum is directed at the development process, acculturation and the empowerment of learners that lasts a lifetime. The curriculum reflects the linkage conditions and environmental demands are always evolving dynamically.

7. Balanced between National Interest and Interest Areas
The curriculum was developed by taking into account national interests and regional interests to build the life of society, nation and state. National interests and regional interests should complement and empower line with the motto Unity in Diversity within the framework of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia.
At the end of this curriculum is still just a document that will become a reality if implemented in the field in a good learning process. Learning both in class and outside the classroom should take place effectively are able to raise the activity and creativity of students. In this case the curriculum implementers (teachers), which will unearth in the process of learning that are to educate, educate in the form of active learning, creative, effective and fun (grip) so that the children feel at school. With motivation like that this curriculum will be a dynamic guidelines for providing education and teaching in SD Muhammadiyah Banjaran.


A. Objectives of Basic Education
The goal is to lay the foundation of basic education, knowledge of personality, noble character and skills to live independently and to follow further education.
Especially for elementary school level, according to Minister of National Education Regulation Number 23 Year 2006 regarding Graduation Competency Standards in Elementary and Secondary Education Unit, after completing his education at primary level, the student should be able to:
1. Running religious teachings according stages of child development
2. Know the advantages and disadvantages of self-
3. Abide by social rules that apply in the environment
4. Respecting religious diversity, cultural, ethnic, racial and socioeconomic groups in the immediate surroundings
5. Using information about the environment around it logically, critically and creatively
6. Demonstrated ability to think logically, critically and creatively with the guidance of teacher
7. Showed a high sense of curiosity and realize its potential
8. Demonstrated ability to solve simple problems in everyday life
9. Demonstrated ability to recognize the natural and social phenomena in the neighborhood
10. Demonstrate love and concern for the environment
11. Demonstrate the love and pride to the nation, state and homeland Indonesia
12. Demonstrated ability to perform activities of local arts and budya
13. Showed a clean living habits, healthy, fit, safe and enjoy free time
14. Communicate clearly and politely
15. Working together in groups, mutual help and keep yourself in a family environment and peers
16. Shows predilection to read and write
17. Demonstrate listening skills, speaking, reading, writing, numeracy dam

B. Vision, Mission and Goals Schools
School Vision:
Realization of Human Resources who fear Him, Qualified, Skilled and noble character and love the country and the Nation
a. Increases in the field of faith and devotion to God Almighty.
- Able to perform their prayers five times with the orderly
- Able to read the Qur'an correctly
b. Increases in the academic field.
c. Increases in the field of physical, sports and health.
d. Noble character.
- Saying hello when you meet a teacher and among students
- Go to class put the right foot
- Mutual respect for fellow students both in school and outside school
- Respect for teachers, school staff and older people
Mission School
1. Enhance devotion to God Almighty.
2. Improving Teaching and Learning Services more Effective and Optimal. use of media and approaches
3. Coaching Skills of Students.
4. Fostering of Students for appropriate noble character Norma Religion and Culture of Indonesia.
5. Creating a Healthy and Safe Environment.
6. Fostering Learners Always Love that country Indonesia.
School Objectives
School goals a year ahead:
1. Achievement of the average value of 20.03 to 21.03 UNAS for 3 subjects tested Academic Year 2010/2011.
2. Increase the ranking of schools at the district level, a minimum ranking of 10.
3. The realization of 50% the number of graduates who received at school favorite.
4. Implementation akhlaqul karimah practiced every day in the school environment and in society.
C. Real Challenges School
Competency standards are the main reference in the management of education. But in practice-oriented learning is still short-term objectives with indicators of value, especially the national test scores. So that the drill methods become more priority teacher. As a result, potential learners have not been optimally developed. Competency-based curriculum requires a student-centered teaching and learning activities are not merely the transfer of knowledge but the way students learn by experiencing and doing so the students become more competent. SD Muhammadiyah Banjaran limited facilities, such as the library is not eligible, the limitations of media and learning resources to make their own obstacles in improving the quality of learning is expected.


A. Curriculum Structure
Curriculum structure is a pattern and arrangement of subjects that must be taken of students in the educational unit in learning activities. The depth of the curriculum in each subject on the curriculum outlined in the competencies that must be controlled according to the load of learners learning contained in the structure of the curriculum. Competence is made up of standards of competence and basic competences are developed based on competency standards contained in the candy 22, 23 and guidance contained in the implementation of Sweets 24 of 2006.
Banjaran Muhammadiyah elementary school curriculum structure consists of three components, namely the component subjects, local content and self-development.
Component subjects are grouped as follows:
1. Group of subjects of religion and noble character
2. Subject groups of citizenship and personality
3. Group of subjects in science and technology
4. Aesthetic subject groups
5. Physical subject groups, exercise and health
Components of local content and self-development is an integral part of the structure of the curriculum and developed by the school.
Table Coverage Subject Group
No Subject Group Coverage
1 Religion and Morals Noble Group study of religion and noble character is intended to form a human learners are faithful and devoted to God Almighty as well as noble. Noble character include ethics, manners or morals as the embodiment and religious education

No Subject Group Coverage
2 Citizenship and Corporate Personality and personality kewargagenaraan subjects unruk intended to increase awareness and knowledge learners will be the status, rights and obligations in the life of society and state as well as improving the quality of her as a human being. Awareness and insight, including the concept of nationalism, patriotism lives defending the country, respect for human rights, pluralistic nation, environmental protection, gender equality democracy, social responsibility, obedience to the law, obedience to pay tax and anti-corruption attitudes or behavior, collusion and nepotism
3 Science and Technology Group subjects of science and technology in addressing the SD is intended to recognize and appreciate science and technology and inculcate the habit of thinking and behaving scientifically critical, creative and independent
4 Aesthetics Group lessons are intended to enhance the aesthetic sensitivity, the ability to appreciate the beauty and harmony includes the appreciation and expression, both in individual life so they can enjoy and celebrate life, and in social life so as to create a harmonious togetherness
5 Physical, Sports and Group Health physical subjects, sports and health in elementary school is intended to improve the physical potential and instill sportsmanship and awareness of healthy living. Culture of healthy living including awareness, attitudes and health behavior that is individual or collective society such as the limitations of sexual behavior, drug addiction, HIV / AIDS, dengue fever, vomiting and other ailments potential for infecting.

Furthermore, in Article 7 of the Government Regulation number 19 of 2005 on National Education standards also explained that:
1. Group of subjects of religion and noble character, starting at primary school and carried out through local content or activities of religion, nationality, personality, science and technology, aesthetic, physical, sports and health.
2. Subject groups on citizenship and personality elementary and or activities conducted through religion, nationality, language, art and culture as well as physical education.
3. Group of subjects in science and technology in elementary charge and or implemented through language activities, math, science pengetrahuan natural, social science, skills / vocational and other local content.
4. Group lessons at primary school aesthetic is carried out through the charge and or activities, arts and culture, skills / vocational and relevant local content.
5. Physical subject groups, exercise and health at the elementary charge and or implemented through physical education activities, health education, natural sciences, and relevant local content.
The structure of the SBC in SD Muhammadiyah Banjaran include:

*) Equivalent two-hour lesson
Note: Class, IV, V and VI local content selection; English and the PKK and the Java language compulsory local content
Special class I-III Java language compulsory local content
B. Payload Curriculum
Muhammadiyah elementary school curriculum in Banjaran consists of nine subjects, three local content and self-development.
1. Subject
Subjects taught in elementary school Muhammadiyah Banjaran consisted of 10 subjects, including:
1. Education Al Islam
2. Citizenship Education
3. Indonesian
4. Mathematics
5. Natural Sciences
6. Social sciences
7. Arts Culture and Skills
8. Physical Education, Sport and Health
9. The Muhammadiyahan

a. Education Al Islam
- Develop faith through giving, fertilization and development of knowledge, appreciation, experience, conditioning and experience of the students about Islam so that a Muslim man who continues to develop faith and devotion to God Almighty.
- Achieve Indonesia devout man and noble man is knowledgeable, diligent prayer, intelligent, productive, honest, fair, ethical, disciplined, tolerant, maintain harmonious personal and social development and foster a culture of religion in the school community.
Standards of competence and basic competences of Islamic subjects can be seen in appendix Minister of National Education Regulation No. 22 of 2006.

b. Citizenship education.
- Think critically, rationally and creatively in response to the issue of citizenship
- Participate actively, responsibly and act intelligently in social activities, as well as national and state anti-corruption
- Developing a positive and democratic to form themselves based on the characters of Indonesian society in order to live together with other nations
- Interact with the nations in the world arena is directly or indirectly by utilizing information and communication technology
Standards of competence and basic competences subject Civic Education can be seen in appendix Minister of National Education Regulation No. 22 of 2006.
c. Indonesian
- Communicate effectively and efficiently in accordance with the applicable ethics both orally and in writing
- Respect and proud to use the Indonesian language as state language of unity and
- Understanding the Indonesian language and use it appropriately and kratif for various purposes
- Using Indonesian to improve the intellectual abilities and emotional maturity and social
- Enjoy and take advantage of literary works to broaden your horizons, expand and improve the manners of the knowledge and language skills
- Appreciate and be proud of Indonesian literature and culture as a repertoire of human intellectual Indonesia
Standards of competence and basic competences Indonesian Language can be seen in appendix Minister of National Education Regulation No. 22 of 2006.
d. Mathematics
- Understand the concepts of mathematics, explain the link between concept and apply the concepts and the logarithm flexibly, accurately, efficiently and appropriately in problem solving
- Use problem solving on the pattern and nature, perform mathematical manipulation in making generalizations, compile evidence or explain mathematical ideas and statements
- Solve problems that include the ability to understand the problem, designing a mathematical model, complete model and interpret the obtained solution
- Communicate ideas with symbols, tables, diagrams or other media to clarify the situation or problem
- Have respect for the usefulness of mathematics in the life of a curiosity, attention and interest in studying mathematics as well as a tenacious attitude and confidence in solving problems.
Standards of competence and basic competences Mathematics subjects can be seen in appendix Minister of National Education Regulation No. 22 of 2006.
e. IPA
- Getting a belief in the greatness of Almighty God on the basis of existence, the beauty and order of his creation.
- Develop knowledge and understanding of science concepts that are useful and can be applied in everyday life
- Develop a curiosity, a positive attitude and awareness of the existence of relationships between science knows, the environment, technology and society.
- Develop skills to investigate the process of science as a basis for continuing education at the levels above it
Standards of competence and basic competences science lessons can be seen in appendix Minister of National Education Regulation No. 22 of 2006.
f. IPS
- Know the concepts related to community life and the environment
- Have a basic ability to think logically and critically, curiosity, inquiri, problem solving and skills in social life
- Having the commitment and awareness of social and humanitarian values
- Having the ability to communicate, cooperate and compete in a pluralistic society at local, national and global
Standards of competence and basic competences social studies can be seen in appendix Minister of National Education Regulation No. 22 of 2006.
g. Arts Culture and Skills
- Understand the concept and importance of cultural arts and skills
- Displays the appreciative attitude towards art and culture and skills
- Displays creativity through arts and culture and skills
- Displays cultural participation in the arts and skills in regional and global levels
Standards of competence and basic competences subjects Culture Art and Skills can be seen in appendix Minister of National Education Regulation No. 22 of 2006.
h. Physical Education, Sport and Health
- Develop self-management skills in the development and maintenance of physical fitness and healthy lifestyles through physical activity and sport are elected
- Improve the physical growth of selected physical and sports
- Increasing the capacity and skills base motion
- Laying the foundation of strong moral character through the internalization of values ​​embodied in physical education, sport and health
- Develop sportsmanship, honesty, discipline, responsibility, cooperation, confidence and democratic
- Develop the skills to maintain the safety of themselves, others and the environment
- Understanding the physical activity and exercise in a clean environment as information to achieve perfect physical growth, healthy lifestyles and fitness, skilled and have a positive attitude
Standards of competence and basic competences subjects Physical Education, Sport and Health can be seen in appendix Minister of National Education Regulation No. 22 of 2006.
i. The Muhammadiyahan
- Preparing learners are able to understand and implement the confidence and honor the ideals of life and the Guidelines for Life Muhammadiyah Muhammadiyah Islamic Citizen

2. Local Content
Local content is curricular activities to develop competencies that are tailored to regional characteristics and potential, including areas of excellence, in that the material can not be developed into existing subjects. The substance of local content in SD Muhammadiyah Banjaran, including Java language, English and the PKK.
a. Javanese
- Develop students' abilities and communication skills using the Java language
- Enhanced awareness and appreciation of literature Java
- Developing a responsibility to preserve the cultural creations of Java as one of the elements of national culture
b. English
- Introduce English as a language of international communication
- Equipping students to face the demands of the era of globalization

c. PKK
- Develop the basic skills of students in culinary activities
- Develop the basic skills of students in the activities of fashion
- Develop the basic skills of students in housekeeping activities
3. Personal Development
a. Include extracurricular activities according to their talents and interests of students, including:
1. Hisbul scouting Wathon
2. Appreciation Religion / TPA
3. Computer
Facilitated and self-development activities or guided by a teacher or educational staff appointed, self-development can be done in the form of extracurricular activities.
Self-development activities regularly assessed and reported to the principal and parents in qualitative terms:
Category Description
A Very Good
B Good
C Enough
D Less

b. Activities habituation
a) Increased faith and devotion to God Almighty.
No Class Activity Type of Activity
1. I-VI Landfill Qur'an Literacy
2. III-VI pray Sholah Dhuha
3. III-VI pray Pray Dhuhr
4. Qiro'atul Qur'an III-VI Art Read the Qur'an
5. I-VI infaq Every Friday
6. Nasheed IV-VI Islamic Songs

b) Increased Discipline & Fitness, Potential Academic / Non Academic.
1). Discipline and Fitness Improvement
No Activity Targets
1. Morning Gymnastics Class I - VI
2. Flag Ceremony Class I - VI

2). Improvement of Academic Potential
No Subject Class Type of Activity
1. Indonesian V-VI Tutoring
2. IPA V-VI Tutoring
3. V-VI Math Tutoring
3). Potential Non-Academic Peningakatan
No Activity Targets
1. Hisbul Wathon (HW) Class III - VI
2. Computer Class V - VI
4). Peningkataan Appreciation and Creative Arts
No Activity Targets
1. Gifted Students Painting Class I - VI
2. Dance Classes III - VI

5). Improved Ability and Aesthetic Understanding Value
No Activity Targets
1. Environmental Hygiene Class I - VI
2. Net Friday Class I - VI

*) 2-hour lessons for self-development undertaken outside the hours of face to face (extra on Monday and Friday)

a. Hours learning to be allocated to each subject as stated in the curriculum structure Banjaran SD Muhammadiyah add 6 hours of lessons per week as a whole.
b. Allocation of one hour of learning for all classes 35 minutes.
c. Sunday is effective in one academic year (two semesters) 38 weeks.

C. Load Settings Learning
Class One hour face-to-face learning (minutes) Number of class hours per week effective Sunday Learning Time per year per hour per year
I s / d 35 Class 38 Class III
III: 30
III: 30
III: 31 III: 1140
III: 1140
III: 1178
IV s / d VI 35 36 38 1444

D. Learning exhaustiveness Minimum Standards (SKBM)

E. Increase in Class and Graduates
Values ​​taken from the report cards: the average value of observations, daily values, the value assignment / homework, midterm test scores, scores in the final semester of each subject.
a. Criteria Increase in Class
1). Students expressed the next grade if:
a). Meet at least 80% attendance.
b). The value of students have achieved a minimum completeness criteria for nine or more subjects.
c). The average value for all subjects at least 64.
d). No value  50.00 to aspects of assessment each subject.
e). Both the minimum value of personality.
f). Quite a minimum value of self-development.

F. Graduation Criteria
In accordance with the PP. 19 In 2005, Article 72 paragraph (1) learners passed from the education unit at the elementary and secondary education, after:
1). Complete the entire learning program is evidenced by having report cards from grade I s / d VI.
2). Have the test scores of all subjects tested.
3). Group of subjects of religion and noble character, citizenship and personality, aesthetic and physical education and sport minimal health Satandar achieve exhaustiveness Learning Minimal (SKBM).
4). Passed the National Examination in accordance with the provisions BSNP and the average value of at least 6.0 subjects.
5). Behavior / personality including the Good category.

G. Life Skills Education
SD Muhammadiyah Banjaran Life Skills Education carry out integrated on each subject.

H. Based Education Local and Global Excellence
The process is carried out on SD Muhammadiyah Banjaran implemented with Java language indicators and implementation of learning English.


Pendididikan curriculum unit on the type and level of education held by following the calendar in each school year. Educational calendar is setting the time for the learning activities of students during one school year that includes the beginning of the school year, weeks of effective learning, effective learning time and holidays.
A. Banjaran Muhammadiyah elementary education calendar has been prepared as in the appendix as follows:
Semester I

Semester II
Note: The beginning of the school year on the 3rd week of July 2010.
Learning Effective Sunday is the number of weeks of learning activities for each year of learning the lessons in each unit
Effective Learning Day (HBe) is the number of hours of learning per week, covering subjects including the number of hours of local content, plus hours for self-development activities.
Time off is the time set for the scheduled learning activities not held on the SD Muhammadiyah Banjaran. Time off can be shaped half-term breaks, breaks between semesters, off the end of the school year, religious holidays, public holidays including national holidays and special holidays.

B. Timing Study
Learning time in elementary school settings Banjaran Muhammadiyah has been prepared at once and Lessons Year 2010/2011 Schedule as in the following attachments:
1. The design division of Time Teaching and Learning Activities

On Monday
Phone Hours Lessons All Time
1 One (Flag Ceremony) 07:00 to 07:35
2 Two 07:35 to 08:10
3 Three 8:10 to 08:45
Rest 8:45 to 09:00
4 Four 9:00 to 9:35 a.m.
5 Five 09:35 to 10:10
10:10 to 10:45 break
Six 6 10:45 to 11:00
7 Seven 11:00 to 11:35

Phone Hours Lessons All Time
1 One 7:00 to 07:35
2 Two 07:35 to 08:10
3 Three 8:10 to 08:45
Rest 8:45 to 09:00
4 Four 9:00 to 9:35 a.m.
5 Five 09:35 to 10:10
10:10 to 10:45 break
Six 6 10:45 to 11:00
7 Seven 11:00 to 11:35

Phone Hours Lessons All Time
1 One 7:00 to 07:35
2 Two 07:35 to 08:10
3 Three 8:10 to 08:45
Rest 8:45 to 09:00
4 Four 9:00 to 9:35 a.m.
5 Five 09:35 to 10:10
Six 6 10:10 to 10:45

2. Draft Schedule of Teaching and Learning Activities
Class I
Clock to Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1 07:00 to 07:35 Ceremony Indonesia Penjasorkes Mathematics Mathematics B. Al Islam
2 7:35 to 8:10 Penjasorkes Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics B. B. Indonesia Indonesia
3 08:10 to 08:45 Math Civics Penjasorkes SBK B. B. Java Indonesia
8:45 a.m. to 9:00 Rest Rest Rest Rest Rest Rest
4 9:00 a.m. to 9:35 Al Islam IPA IPS Java Civics SBK B.
5 9:35 to 10:10 IPA SBK B. Al Islam Indonesia Indonesia IPS B.
6 SBK Pengmb.Diri Pengmb.Diri 10:10 to 10:45 - -

Class II
Clock to Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1 07:00 to 07:35 Ceremony of Al Islam Mathematics Penjasorkes B. B. Indonesia Indonesia
2 7:35 to 8:10 Mathematics Mathematics Penjasorkes Al Islam Indonesia SBK B.
08:10 to 08:45 Math 3 Math Civics IPS SBK SBK
8:45 a.m. to 9:00 Rest Rest Rest Rest Rest Rest
4 9:00 a.m. to 9:35 B. Indonesia SBK SBK B. Civics IPS Java
5 9:35 to 10:10 B. Indonesia IPA Penjasorkes B. B. Java Java Al Islam
6 10:10 to 10:45 B. Indonesia IPA Pengmb.Diri Pengmb.Diri - -

Class III
Clock to Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1 07:00 to 07:35 Ceremony Indonesia Penjasorkes IPA IPA Mathematics B.
2 7:35 to 8:10 Penjasorkes Science Mathematics B. B. Java, Indonesia Al Islam
3 08:10 to 08:45 Penjasorkes B. Indonesia B. Indonesian Mathematics Mathematics Top-Muh.
8:45 a.m. to 9:00 Rest Rest Rest Rest Rest Rest
4 9:00 a.m. to 9:35 Civics B. B. Java, Indonesia SBK Mathematics Mathematics
5 9:35 to 10:10 Civics Al Islam SBK IPS Pengmb.Diri Pengmb.Diri
10:10 to 10:45 6 SBK SBK IPS Al Islam - -
10:45 to 11:00 Rest Rest Rest Rest - -
7 11:00 to 11:35 PT *) PT *) PT *) PT *) - -

Class IV
Clock to Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1 07:00 to 07:35 Ceremony Penjasorkes Mathematics Mathematics B. B. English Indonesia
2 7:35 to 8:10 B. Indonesia Penjasorkes Mathematics Mathematics B. B. English Indonesia
3 08:10 to 08:45 Math Civics Penjasorkes SBK IPS IPS
8:45 a.m. to 9:00 Rest Rest Rest Rest Rest Rest
4 9:00 a.m. to 9:35 Al B. Indonesia Islamic Civics IPA IPS SBK
5 9:35 to 10:10 Java B. B. Al-Islam Al-Islam to Indonesia IPA-Muh.
10:10 to 10:45 6 SBK B. Java IPA PKK Al Islam Penjasorkes
10:45 to 11:00 Rest Rest Rest Rest - Rest
11:00 to 11:35 seven PKK Pengmb.Diri SBK IPA - Pengmb.Diri
8 11:35 to 12:10 PT *) PT *) PT *) PT *) - -

Class V
Clock to Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1 07:00 to 07:35 Ceremony Mathematics Science Penjasorkes Islamic Al B. English
2 7:35 to 8:10 Mathematics Mathematics Science Penjasorkes Islamic Al B. English
3 08:10 to 08:45 Math B. Indonesia B. Indonesia Penjasorkes IPS PKK
8:45 a.m. to 9:00 Rest Rest Rest Rest Rest Rest
4 9:00 a.m. to 9:35 Math B. Indonesia B. IPS Indonesia IPS PKK
5 9:35 to 10:10 Civics Al Islam IPA B. Java SBK SBK
10:10 to 10:45 6 Civics Al Islam IPA B. Java SBK SBK
10:45 to 11:00 Rest Rest Rest Rest - Rest
11:00 to 11:35 7 B. Indonesia Penjasorkes Pengmb.Diri Pengmb.Diri - The Muh.
8 11:35 to 12:10 PT *) PT *) PT *) PT *) - -

Class VI
Clock to Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1 07:00 to 07:35 Ceremony Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Science Social Studies
2 7:35 to 8:10 Penjasorkes IPA B. Mathematics Mathematics IPS Indonesia
3 08:10 to 08:45 Penjasorkes Islamic Al B. Indonesian Al-Islam PKK IPS
8:45 a.m. to 9:00 Rest Rest Rest Rest Rest Rest
4 9:00 a.m. to 9:35 Penjasorkes Islamic Al B. B. English Indonesia PKK IPA
5 9:35 to 10:10 Civics B. B. English Indonesia Penjasorkes SBK IPA
B. Civics 6 10:10 to 10:45 SBK SBK Java Indonesia B. The Muh.
10:45 to 11:00 Rest Rest Rest Rest - Rest
Java 7 11:00 to 11:35 Pengmb.Diri B. Al Islam SBK - Pengmb.Diri
8 11:35 to 12:10 PT *) PT *) PT *) PT *) - -

*) PT: Structured Assignment

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